
Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Purine, Fat, Water And Hyperuricemia


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By :
Juliana Putri Dwiyana         (1611226009)
Tika Kurnia                          (1611226016)
Dera Elva Junita                  (1611226003)
Syafnita                                 (1611226002)

Nutrition Department Andalas Universiti
Year 2017

Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Padang
Jurusan Gizi

Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Juni 2016
Juliana Putri Dwiyana
Gambaran Kebiasaan Konsumsi Purin, Lemak dan Asupan Air dengan Kejadian Hiperurisemia pada Dosen Di Kampus Pusat Politeknik Kesehtan Kemenkes Padang Tahun 2016

vi+ 55 halaman, 16 tabel, 1 gambar, 10 lampiran
Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2013 menggambarkan bahwa prevalensi penyakit sendi berdasarkan diagnosis di Indonesia sebesar 11,9 %. Prevalensi penyakit asam urat yang terjadi di dalam  kategori penyakit sendi di Provinsi Sumatera Barat yaitu sebesar 12,7 %. Kebiasaan konsumsi purin, lemak dan asupan air mempunyai peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebiasaan konsumsi purin, lemak dan asupan air dengan kejadian hiperurisemia.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dimana yang menjadi sampel adalah dosen di kampus pusat Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang sebanyak 30 orang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2015-Juni 2016. Data kebiasaan konsumsi purin dan lemak dikumpulkan dengan  menggunakan format Food Frequency Quistionnaire, sedangkan untuk asupan air menggunakan format Food Recall 1 x 24 jam. Untuk data asam urat responden didapatkan dari pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan uric acid testData yang telah dikumpulkan selanjutnya diolah dengan menggunakan software olah data untuk melihat gambaran kebiasaan konsumsi purin, lemak, asupan air responden serta kejadian hiperurisemia pada dosen di Kampus Pusat Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang.

Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa (73 %) responden mengalami kejadian hiperurisemia. Kurang dari separuh (40 %) mempunyai kebiasaan konsumsi purin dengan kategori sering.Kurang dari separuh (40 %) mempunyai kebiasaan  konsumsi lemak dengan kategori sering. Kurang dari separuh (33 %) mempunyai asupan air dengan kategori jarang.

Disarankan agar responden dapat lebih menjaga kebiasaan makannya, terutama makanan mengandung purin yang tinggi, seperti soto paru, hati ayam atau sapi dan dendeng serta mengurangi konsumsi makanan yang mengandung lemak trans dan cukup minum air.

Kata Kunci (Key Word) : Hiperurisemia, Purin, Lemak, Air
Daftar Pustaka 18 (1999-2015)
Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health of Padang
Department of Nutrition

Scientific Writing, June 2016
Juliana Putri Dwiyana


               By praying and praising the presence of God Almighty, thanks to His blessings and grace, the writing of this Scientific Writing can be completed by the author despite the difficulty.
               Preparation and writing of Scientific Writing is a series of educational process as a whole in D-III Program of Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health of Padang. Scientific Writing is entitled "Description of Consumption Purin Habit, Fats and Water Intake with Hyperuricemia Occurrence in Lecturers of Central Campus at Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Padang Year 2016".
               On this occasion the author would like to express his gratitude for all guidance and guidance from Mrs. Dr. Linda M. Thaufik M.Kes and Mrs. Iswanelly Mourbas, SKM, M.Kes as mentor of this Scientific Writing.
This author's thanks go to:
1. Mr. H. Sunardi, SKM, M.Kes as Director of Polytechnic of HealthPadang.
2. Mrs. Hasneli, DCN, M.Biomed as Chairman of Nutrition Polytechnic of Health Padang.
3. Ibu Kasmiyetti, DCN, M.Biomed as Chairman Prodi DIII Nutrition Polytechnic of Health Padang.
4. Mr. M. Husni Thamrin, STP, MP as Academic Advisor.
5. Mr and Mrs lecturer and Civitas Academica Nutrition Department of Polytechnic of Health Padang.
6. Parents and families who have provided support morally and materially, input and spirit in making Scientific Writing.

7. Lecturer Polytechnic of HealthPadang who has been willing to be a respondent and provide direction and advice during the study.
8. Friends of D-III Nutrition Department 2013, especially class III-B which has provided motivation and support in the preparation of Scientific Writing.
9. Friends, brothers and sisters who have given encouragement and encouragement in the preparation of this Scientific Writing.
               The author realizes that this Scientific Writing is still not perfect, therefore the authors expect criticism and suggestions that build for the perfection of this Scientific Writing.

Padang, June 2016




A.      Background

               Generally, gout is caused by the increased blood uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) that has been going on for years. Uric acid levels are constantly high can lead to gout disease / chronic gout. The attacks will continue to occur and there is no longer attack-free period. Acute rheumatic gout can also occur due to fluctuation or the rise and fall of blood uric acid levels abruptly. (Susanto.2013)
               The result from the Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 found the prevalence of joint disease diagnosis by health workers in Indonesia by 11.9% and by 24.7% pergejala diagnosis. The prevalence of joint disease / arthritis / rheumatism indicates downward trend. In 2013 (24.7%) lower than in 2007 (30.3%). In West Sumatra prevalence of joint disease incidence by diagnosis pergejala was 21.8% and 12.7% based diagnosis. It can be seen that the prevalence of joint disease / arthritis / rheumatism based diagnosis in West Sumatra in Indonesia on the prevalence, diagnosis based pergejala while prevalence is decreasing. (Riskesdas.2013)
               Result from Padang City Health Department in 2012, obtained a description of the incidence of gout as many as 1,257 new events and in 2014 as many as 476 new events. (DKK Padang.2014) Based on these result it is known that a decrease in the incidence of gout in the city of Padang recently. Despite a decline of new events, but this joint disease is difficult to cure. So every year, the incidence of joint disease will continue to grow with new people who experience it.
Formerly known gout as a disease of the elite. The amount of uric acid attack on the elite is directly proportional to the eating patterns that generally makes them redundant. Does not rule out also a lot of attacking people who work in offices, professors and people with other high income developing hyperuricemia (gout). With a high enough income they used to eat a good meal, because first of gout is known as a disease of wealthy people who can eat a good meal. (Susanto.2013)
               Some foods and beverages known to contain high purine and can increase uric acid levels are alcohol, sardines, and offal. Hearing or similar fish (sardines) and innards are a source of compounds that potentially pose a risk. (Krisnatuti.2001)
Fat can inhibit the excretion of uric acid in the urine. Therefore, patients with gout (gouty arthritis) should be given a low-fat diet. Patients should limit fried foods and bersantan as well as avoiding the use of margarine (derived from vegetable products) or butter (derived from animal products). Fat which can be consumed preferably 15% of total calories. (Krisnatuti.2001)
               A high fluid intake, especially of drinks, can help spending uric acid that can lower uric acid levels in the blood. Daily water requirement expressed as a proportion of the amount of energy released by the body in an average neighborhood. For adults, it takes as much as 1.0-1.5 ml / kcal, whereas for infants 1.5 ml / kklal. (Almatsier.2009)

B.       Problem Formulation

               To know the description of purine consumption habits, fat, water intake and incidence of hyperuricemia in the lecturer at Campus Health Polytechnic Center of Padang Ministry of Health in 2016

C.      Purpose of Writing

1. General Purpose

               To know the description of purine consumption habits, fat, water intake and the incidence of hyperuricemia in lecturers at the Campus Central Polytechnic Health Ministry Padang Campus Center 2016.

2. Special Purpose

a)    Knowledge of frequency distribution of incidence of hyperuricemia in lecturer at Campus Center of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health of Padang in 2016
b)Knowledge of the frequency distribution of purine consumption habits in lecturers at Campus Center of Health Polytechnic of Padang Ministry of Health in 2016
c)    Knowledge of frequency distribution of fat consumption habits to lecturer at Health Polytechnic Center Campus of Ministry of Health of Padang in 2016
d)     Knowledge of the frequency distribution of water intake to the lecturer at Campus Center of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health of Padang in 2016
e)    Knowledge of the tendency of purine consumption habits with hyperurisemia kajadian on lecturers in Campus Center Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Padang in 2016
f)    Knowledge of the tendency of fat consumption habit with hyperurisemia kajadian on lecturer at Campus Health Polytechnic Center of Ministry of Health of Padang in 2016
g)Knowledge of the tendency of water intake with hyperuricemia kajadian on the lecturer at the Campus Center of Health Polytechnic Kemenkes Padang in 2016

D.      Research Benefits

1. For Researchers

               Can add knowledge, insight and experience for the author in developing the ability to conduct research.

2. For Respondents

               As a source of information for respondents about blood uric acid levels and eating habits.

E.       Scope of Research

               This research is a process to know the description of consumption habits purine, fat, water intake and the incidence of hyperuricemia in the lecturer at Campus Center of Health Polytechnic Kemenkes Padang in 2016.



1.      Hiperurisemia

            Hyperuricemia is an increase in uric acid in the blood that is above normal. The condition of hyperuricemia can occur because of, excessive tissue splitting so that very purines are released for later dimethabolisir with residual substances in the form of uric acid. Subsequent decreased uric acid excretion due to acidic urine (eg due to high consumption of fat or alcohol) or because of the excessive decline in renal function and excessive consumption of purine foods such as innards, sardines, birds, broths, nuts, chips and tape.1. (Almatsier.2009)

2.      Purine Consumption

Purines and pyrimidines are nitrogen-containing cyclic heterocyclic compounds with carbon-containing rings and other elements (hetero atoms). Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are small nitrogen-containing compounds that play a very important role in the biologic role. (Robert Murray 2009)
Almost all food ingredients consumed by humans contain purine substances. Several types of foods and drinks that are known to contain high purines and can increase uric acid levels are alcohol, fish hearing, and viscera. Hearing fish or the like (sardines) and offal are sources of compounds that potentially pose a risk of hyperuricemia (Almatsier.2009)
3.       Fat Consumption
Fat is an organic compound that is soluble in alcohol and in other organic solutions, but not soluble in water. Fat contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These elements also compose carbohydrates, the ratio of oxygen to carbon and hydrogen is lower in fat. Less fats contain oxygen, so the calories they produce are twice as much as fat from the food they consume, but the body also forms some fat. (Dewi Cakrawati; 2012) High fat content in the diet will lead to acidosis (due to the formation of ketone bodies consisting of acetoacetic acid, β-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone) which makes the urine more acidic and complicates the excretion of uric acid. (Andry Harnoto 2006)
4.       Water Consumption

Body fluids are closely related to minerals dissolved in them. All life processes take place in body fluids that contain minerals. Body fluids are the media of all chemical reactions in the cell. Each cell contains an intracellular fluid (fluid outside the cell) that fits well. Extracellular fluid consists of interstitial fluid or intercellular (mostly) contained in the sidelines of cells and intravascular fluid in the form of blood plasma. All body fluids at all times lose and experience replacement of parts. However, the liquid composition in each compartment is maintained to remain in a homeostatic state. The fluid balance in each compartment determines blood volume and pressure. (Almatsier Sunita; 2009)
High fluid consumption, especially from beverages, can help the expenditure of uric acid so that it can lower levels of uric acid in the blood. Sabaiknya, drinking as much as 1.0-1,5 ml / kcal per day. In addition, vegetables and fruits that contain lots of water, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, pineapple, starfruit, guava water, and other fruits are very well consumed. In general, the fruits are very small or even do not contain purines



               This study is a descriptive study, using cross-sectional design, which among the independent variables (purine consumption habits, intake of fat and water) and the dependent variable hyperuricemia studied at bersamaan.Penelitian time this is done in the Campus Center for Health Polytechnic Kememkes Padang and the time the study began from August 2015 to June 2016. Result collection was conducted from April 13 until May 16, 2016. the study population was the entire polytechnic lecturers Padang at the campus center (Padang Nursing Department, Environmental Health and Nutrition). Sampling was done by simple random sampling method. The result collection is done by measuring the uric acid respondents directly and interviews with mengisis FFQ and Food Recall. 




            Samples were professors who teach on the campus of Polytechnic Center of Ministry of Health of Padang, who met the inclusion criteria as many as 30 orang.Responden in this study ranged in age from 35-65 years, with an average age of 50 years and older. Most experienced hyperuricemia age range 50-64 years. From the analysis it can be seen that the respondents with the incidence of hyperuricemia is as much as 73%. Showed that more than half (60%) of respondents rarely consume foods with purines medium category, respondents who consume fat with frequent category is as much (40%), respondents with no adequate water intake category that is as much (33%).
               Can be seen in Table 14. Based on the result collected against 30 respondents, the tendency of purine consumption habits were the incidence of hyperuricemia, 
Purine Consumption
Event category of Hyperuricemia

               According to the table 14, known to respondents who have hyperuricemia tend to occur among respondents with moderate purine consumption habits with frequent category (75%). Compared to the rare category (72%).
               Can be seen in Table 15. Based on the result collected against 30 respondents, the tendency of fat consumption habits to the incidence of hyperuricemia,
Fat consumption
Event category of Hyperuricemia

Non  Hiperurisemia

               According to the table 15, known to respondents who have hyperuricemia tend to occur in fat consumption habits respondents with frequent category (92%). Compared to the rare category (61%)
               Can be seen in Table 16. Based on the result collected against 30 respondents, the tendency of water intake with the incidence of hyperuricemia,

Water Consumption
Event category of Hyperuricemia
Non Hiper
Not enough

               According to the table 16, there is a trend in water consumption respondents experienced enough hyperuricemia (75%) slightly larger than respondents who have hyperuricemia with the category is not sufficient (70%). 

B.     Discussion

The average results of blood uric acid examination of respondents by sex is high ie 7.2 mg / dl in female respondents and 8.4 mg / dl in male respondents. The highest blood uric acid levels for women were 9.6 mg / dl and the lowest was 4.2 mg / dl, while for men the highest was 11.4 mg / dl and the lowest was 6 , 4 mg / dl.
Based on the results of the analysis can be seen that the respondents who frequently took a high purine not found. While respondents who often consume purine is (40%), and rarely consume medium purine (60%). The average food consumption habits being purine respondents is 5 times per day. Also known also the lowest consumption of purine consumption is 3 times per day, and the highest purine consumption habits 7 times per day.
Based on interviews conducted, it is known that most respondents know about hyperuricemia and food hazards that contain high purine if often consumed. Musfira (Musfira.2016) (2015) in his research stated that respondents who frequently consume purine most of them experienced the incidence of hyperuricemia. Types of high purine foods most often consumed by the respondents are meat, broth, liver and lung while for food with purine being the most frequently consumed is tofu, chicken, kale and spinach.
The average fat consumption habit of respondents is 6.7 times per day. The highest frequency of fat consumption per day was 8.71 times per day and the lowest was 2.86 times per day, in line with the concerned research, SatyaNova (Handesti.2016) (2010) in his study found that there was a relationship between fat intake With uric acid levels. Fat in question is trans fat in the form of palm oil, coconut milk, butter and margarine. Most food processing respondents prefer is fried, and almost all respondents fry using palm oil. Respondents also often consume margarine and butter because at breakfast respondents often consume bread or sweet cake as a snack or food interlude.
The average water intake of respondents is 2.3L per day. Also known also the minimum intake of water that is 1.9 L per day, and water intake at most 3.5L per day. The tendency of respondents whose consumption of water suffers from hyperuricemia (75%) is slightly higher than those with hyperuricemia with their inadequate water consumption habit (70%). Based on the research there is no tendency of respondents who experienced hyperuricemia intake of water is not sufficient. This may happen because in this study does not consider the type of intake of water consumed by respondents. Respondents mostly consume beverages like coffee other than water. This is in line with the research of Prihatiningsasi, Nova Satya (Handesti.2016) (2010) in his research found that there is no relationship between water intake with uric acid levels.

In terms of resource personnel who do not too expert in this field, because in terms of cost if done by a more skilled personnel, researchers have limitations in terms of cost. FFQ and food recalculated methods are used to inquire about eating habits perceived by each respondent to have different understanding and memory so that the possibilities for bias are quite large.


1. There is a tendency between purine consumption habits with hyperuricemia.
2. There is a tendency between fat consumption habits with the incidence of hyperuricemia.
3. There is no tendency between water intake with the incidence of hyperuricemia.
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